PA EcoContact – Center for Consultation and Information on Environmental Matters/Aarhus – ecocontact.Moldova
Main strategic priorities focused on environmental legislation and implementation of the Aarhus Convention, sustainable development and strengthening of partnerships and Organizational development.
Main fields of action:
Aarhus Convention, PRTR, SEA/EIA, Protected Areas, Emerald Network, Waste Management, Environmental Human Rights Defenders/ Ecolabelling/Legal support/Harmonization/Water and Sanitation/DRR and Wildfires, Forest Management etc.
Key Actions:
- Environmental Strategy – 2024-2030
- Transposition of regulation 66/2009 on EU ecolabel
- Update official Guidelines of the Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure – including aspects related to the appropriate assessment
- Guideline on development of the Emerald sites Management Plans etc
- Support in creation of the National Park Lower Dniester
- Support in elaboration of the national ecolabeling system in Moldova
- Support in development of the National Report on in combating desertification and land degradation, covering the period 2016-2019 (SHS)
- Support to PRTR Register
- Climate Vulnerability Assessment for the Protected Areas etc
PA EcoContact – Center for Consultation and Information on Environmental Matters/Aarhus – ecocontact.Moldova
Main strategic priorities focused on environmental legislation and implementation of the Aarhus Convention, sustainable development and strengthening of partnerships and Organizational development.
Main fields of action:
Aarhus Convention, PRTR, SEA/EIA, Protected Areas, Emerald Network, Waste Management, Environmental Human Rights Defenders/ Ecolabelling/Legal support/Harmonization/Water and Sanitation/DRR and Wildfires, Forest Management etc.
Key Actions:
- Environmental Strategy – 2024-2030
- Transposition of regulation 66/2009 on EU ecolabel
- Update official Guidelines of the Strategic Environmental Assessment procedure – including aspects related to the appropriate assessment
- Guideline on development of the Emerald sites Management Plans etc
- Support in creation of the National Park Lower Dniester
- Support in elaboration of the national ecolabeling system in Moldova
- Support in development of the National Report on in combating desertification and land degradation, covering the period 2016-2019 (SHS)
- Support to PRTR Register
- Climate Vulnerability Assessment for the Protected Areas etc