ICAS – Forest Research & Management Institute – icas.com.Moldova

The national forestry research and projecting sector was established in 1965. Starting with the Research Station for Production Standards (1965-1978), the process of formation of the sector culminated in the establishment of the Institute of Forest Research and Management (ICAS) through the fusion in 2001 of the Institute of Forest Research and Planning and the Centre of Forest Management.

ICAS’s mission is to provide a scientific basis for the management and development of the forestry sector by producing and disseminating scientific and technical information, providing expert advice, creating, transferring and implementing new or upgraded technologies and developing innovative products that contribute to the competitiveness of the forestry sector and the well-being of society.

Main fields of action:

  • Fundamental and applied research activities in specific areas of forestry activity
  • Develop technical, economic, legal and forestry regulations for the forestry sector
  • Develop projects: afforestation, agro-forestry and silvo-pastoral, for forest nurseries, management planning etc.
  • Geospatial data and information systems
  • Forestry education and training

Key Actions:

  • Biodiversity conservation: Research in the field of floristic diversity in forest ecosystems (in protected areas) in the State Forest Fund
  • Forest monitoring: Health condition of Moldovan Forest since 1993
  • Forest protection: Phyto-sanitary condition of forests
  • Forest Management Planning: Between 1992 and 2002 the entire area managed by “Moldsilva” was covered with forest management works: Cycle II (2004-2014), cycle III (2015-present)
  • Control of seed and forest reproductive material
  • Development of technical rules and regulations (development of legal, technical, economic, etc. rules within the forestry regime)
  • Regulating forestry production activities (consumption standards, labour standards, technology table, etc.)



ICAS – Forest Research & Management Institute – icas.com.Moldova

The national forestry research and projecting sector was established in 1965. Starting with the Research Station for Production Standards (1965-1978), the process of formation of the sector culminated in the establishment of the Institute of Forest Research and Management (ICAS) through the fusion in 2001 of the Institute of Forest Research and Planning and the Centre of Forest Management.

ICAS’s mission is to provide a scientific basis for the management and development of the forestry sector by producing and disseminating scientific and technical information, providing expert advice, creating, transferring and implementing new or upgraded technologies and developing innovative products that contribute to the competitiveness of the forestry sector and the well-being of society.

Main fields of action:

  • Fundamental and applied research activities in specific areas of forestry activity
  • Develop technical, economic, legal and forestry regulations for the forestry sector
  • Develop projects: afforestation, agro-forestry and silvo-pastoral, for forest nurseries, management planning etc.
  • Geospatial data and information systems
  • Forestry education and training

Key Actions:

  • Biodiversity conservation: Research in the field of floristic diversity in forest ecosystems (in protected areas) in the State Forest Fund
  • Forest monitoring: Health condition of Moldovan Forest since 1993
  • Forest protection: Phyto-sanitary condition of forests
  • Forest Management Planning: Between 1992 and 2002 the entire area managed by “Moldsilva” was covered with forest management works: Cycle II (2004-2014), cycle III (2015-present)
  • Control of seed and forest reproductive material
  • Development of technical rules and regulations (development of legal, technical, economic, etc. rules within the forestry regime)
  • Regulating forestry production activities (consumption standards, labour standards, technology table, etc.)