
D4.1 – Report on the method and results of the criteria-based prioritization of sites, species, and habitats

D4.2 – Guidelines i. for the preparation of action plans for the prioritized habitat types and species of Community interest and ii. for Emerald/Natura 2000 site appropriate management including best practices and suggestions for codes and conducts

D4.3 – Supporting material on EU Habitat and Bird Directives monitoring and reporting requirements

D4.4 – Training report on EU Habitats and Birds Directives’ requirements

The operational component (WP4) will prepare a series of useful and ready to use tools for Moldova site managers and competent authorities.  The key objectives include:

  • Proposing and applying a criteria-based assessment, prioritizing habitat types and species in need for action, in the Emerald/Natura sites of Moldova
  • Providing guidelines for the preparation of action plans for the prioritized habitat types and species of Community interest
  • Providing guidelines for Emerald/Natura 2000 site appropriate management including best practices and suggestions for codes and conducts
  • Supporting and enhancing Emerald sites/Natura 2000 monitoring and reporting
  • Enhancing the capacity of the competent authorities, experts and other relevant stakeholders on all the above, through training


The operational component (WP4) will prepare a series of useful and ready to use tools for Moldova site managers and competent authorities.

The deliverables will include a handbook, a practical guide or guidelines on how to develop an Action Plan for habitats and species of EU Community interest with unfavorable conservation status, guidelines for monitoring and EU reporting tools, according to EU Habitat and Bird Directives and also a set of technical specification and codes of conducts will be prepared in the context of the site management.